The way of the world is changing; love stories are starting online.
An algorithm I don’t understand matched your traits with mine.
From downloading the app, countless swiping and messages too.
This once unknown technology ultimately led me to you.
Would we have met at a different time? I simply could not say.
I’d like to think we would cross paths, just in a different way.
Every relationship in life has human connection at its core.
Something deep inside your brain, wanting to see this person more.
From the moment your eyes finally meet or an awkward hug to start.
To a very nervous moment, declaring ‘I love you’ from your heart.
Seeing their smile captured in a picture, to witnessing it for real.
Starting the butterflies in your stomach and causing you to feel.
Our matchmaker is technology; many say it’s the 'modern way.’
But tech cannot take credit for these feelings that grow each day.
From meeting on a dating app to being fully present with you.
With my brain, my heart, and my human soul... We finally say, ‘I do’.
© Meg Stanier Celebrant

Message from Meg
A wedding poem for couples who met online; this is one of my personal favourites so far. The amount of couples meeting online is increasing year by year. This is a poem which reminds us that, while our love story began on an app, the genuine connection we have found stems from our human nature and capacity to feel. Yes, we may have found each other via an app but it is not what makes us ultimately fall in love. The ability to love and make the choice to share our life with someone runs so much deeper than that. While we appreciate technology for being our matchmaker, our relationship is built up from honest feelings, interaction and human connection.
Celebrant ceremony ideas
This poem would pair well with:
Unplugged ceremony: Ask your guests to put your phones away during the ceremony and be present in the moment with you.
Handwritten vows
Your love story told from your first swipe - share your favourite memories since meeting.
If you use this reading, please credit @MegStanierCelebrant! My poems are here to be used and enjoyed; if you're looking for something more bespoke, I also offer personalised readings! If you have a topic you can't find a reading for, please get in contact!
Our Matchmaking App
© Meg Stanier Celebrant